Open SVG image in a browser, use arrows to navigate When you say digging, 1 st thought, most would think that you would plant a tree. How about digging in DATA 1 st Hadoop is a framework for processing large chunks of data, consisting of 2 modules HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System "for managing files". Map-Reduce: hadoop methodology for processing data, where big chunks of data is divided into smaller chunks, each directed to the map f n to extract the needed data from, then the reduce f n where the actual processing we need takes place. Hadoop work on the whole data, in one time, so it is considered Batch processing. 2 nd Hadoop eco-system It would be annoying, that each time you wish to do a task, you write a java code for each of the map function, then the reduce function, compile the code.. etc. yet Hadoop eco-system provide us with tools that could do so for us PIG: a scripting language "that is translated in the background to a ...
is nature,the part that we influence, starts when we decide.